About 2025-03-20T10:13:33+00:00


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The main aim of the Consortium is to improve the quality of library services by promoting inter-library cooperation in order to achieve increased scientific productivity, improvement of current library services and plans for cooperation.


In its Strategic Plan for 2021-2025, Consorcio Madroño has laid down four basic guidelines defining its strategy:

  1. Strengthening Consorcio Madroño’s positioning and leadership in the professional world.
  2. Providing support for scientific innovation and research at universities.
  3. Developing high-quality user-oriented services.
  4. Sharing and managing information resources while ensuring that they are used efficiently.

Organisational structure

Consorcio Madroño’s governing bodies are the Governing Board and the Technical Commission:

President of the Consorcio Madroño

Governing Board

Technical Commission

Work groups

There are the active work groups, in which librarians from all of the member universities participate. The following is a list of these groups and their main objectives:

  • Collection management: Managing Consorcio Madroño’s collection of online resources, as well as providing recommendations and consultation to other Consorcio Madroño governing bodies.
  • RDA: Coordinating RDA implementation in the Consorcio Madroño’s libraries, and sharing experiences to feed the common knowledge about the new cataloguing rules.
  • Inter-library Loans: Promoting loans between different libraries, and amongst all universities and associated institutions which form part of Consorcio Madroño, through a daily courier service.
  • e-ciencia: Creating a digital archives network and a web portal, which makes it possible to search from one centralised site and gain open access to the contents of a scientific nature in those archives. The project was designed to be open and scalable so that institutions outside of Consorcio Madroño and independent researchers could also participate.
  • Open science: Developing a proposal for the creation of a Data Repository for the Autonomous Region of Madrid, to be centralised at Consorcio Madroño, with a Data Training plan.
  • Singularis: Creating a web portal to host the ancient books collection of the institutions which make up Consorcio Madroño and a platform to promote that collection.
  • Consorcio Madroño website: Maintaining the Consorcio Madroño website so that it can remain a more helpful tool for end users, by improving both website accessibility and user-friendliness. Improvement is sought in its internal design so that changes can be made faster and more easily.
  • REBIUN Statistics: Creating a tool for standardised management of statistics on the university libraries in Consorcio Madroño while facilitating submission of the REBIUN (Spanish University Library Network) statistical form and, if possible, providing statistics to other institutions which seek information, such as Spain’s National Statistical Institute (INE) and the member institutions themselves.


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Consorcio Madroño is committed to values such as Quality, Continuous Improvement and Excellence in service.

Furthermore, the 2021-2025 Strategic Plan identifies Excellence in quality and Focus on the customer / end user as two key values in our organization.

As a result of its efforts to include work aimed at quality amongst its activities, Consorcio Madroño earned UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015 certification, which was awarded by AENOR, in 2010. Thanks to this, it has become the number one Spanish consortium of university libraries to receive certification under this standard.

Quality Policy

The Technical Commission has established a quality policy based on the implementation of a Quality Management System that fulfils the requirements of the UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2015 Standard and is based on the following principles:

  1. Complying with the legislation in force. To this end it is fundamental that all CONSORCIO MADROÑO staff be knowledgeable about the legislation applicable to the tasks which they carry out.
  2. Quality service must be provided in the broadest sense of the term “service.” All relations with member libraries must be considered a “service,” so it is extremely important to take the utmost care with every detail in both verbal and written communications with the Consortium libraries.
  3. The competitiveness of the services provided by the CONSORCIO MADROÑO is based on the ongoing and permanent training of each of its staff members. Permanent training to reach the level to be expected by users is a personal obligation for each CONSORCIO MADROÑO staff member.
  4. Client satisfaction: Meeting the needs of member libraries and their users is a priority focus in CONSORCIO MADROÑO’s activities.
  5. Organization:All members of the institution should actively participate in the activities carried out by CONSORCIO MADROÑO. For this purpose and to achieve organisation as a co-ordinated team, two essential aspects should be taken into account:
    • Continuous improvement: It is important to achieve a positive working environment where problem-solving and intention prevail over the pursuit of mistakes. Recognising a mistake and learning not to repeat it are two necessary requirements for improvement. Any idea involving an improvement should be taken into account and be incorporated into the Quality Management System.
    • A culture of prevention: Looking towards the future systematically when organising work helps to prevent potential risk situations, including error. It is therefore desirable to adopt the necessary prevention measures for these risks not to occur. This culture of prevention shall always be taken into account in CONSORCIO MADROÑO’s activities.


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