>>Research Portal
Research Portal 2024-06-26T10:05:22+00:00


Imagen Portal de Investigación

The purpose of the Research Portal of the Madroño Consortium is to give visibility to the results of the research activity carried out in its full member universities. This portal has been developed from the conviction of the importance of making this information accessible, in an open and transparent way, to society as a whole, including companies, funders and other organisations, as well as to the general public.

This initiative brings together in a single portal the scientific production of all the member universities of the Consortium, and provides updated information on their researchers, departments and research groups. The portal automatically feeds its data from different sources of information from each of the universities that are part of the Madroño Consortium, and integrates them into a common view.

This service makes it possible to consult research projects – as well as publications, theses, patents, software, etc. – both by individual researcher and by department or research group.


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