SCOAP3 is an international initiative lead by the CERN (the European Organization for Nuclear Research, awarded a Prince of Asturias award in 2013) focused on converting a series of key publications within the field of high energy physics into open access journals. The journals included in the project—selected after a public call that considered aspects such as impact or the quality of the service offered by the editors—have no cost for the authors or users around the world, as access is paid centrally by the SCOAP3 association itself. This is currently a total of around 4,000 published articles per year, which from 1 January 2014 are freely accessible with no charge. The project also containts books since May 2019. These articles are available in the SCOAP3 repository .
For more information on the SCOAP3, initiative check the presentation SCOAP3 Webinar & Forum 2014 .
What journals can I access through the SCOAP3 agreement?
This is the list of accessible journals and books through the SCOAP3 initiative: