>>Pasaporte Madroño
Pasaporte Madroño 2024-11-20T13:48:53+00:00


Imagen Pasaporte Madroño

The Pasaporte Madroño is a card that allows teaching staff, researchers, postgraduate students (“official” and “private” masters and research), research scholars with teaching responsibilities and library staff from the institutions belonging to the Consorcio Madroño to borrow books from any of the libraries of the Madroño institutions.

A maximum of four books may be borrowed for a maximum of 30 days.

The lending terms are laid down in this agreement.

Also, users have the possibility of borrowing books or other documents from their library, without having to move to other libraries of the Consortium, via inter-library loans. Such requests are managed in the library to which the user belongs. The service of inter-library loan is free of charge between all Consorcio Madroño full members.

Further information on how to obtain the Pasaporte Madroño may be obtained from the institutions.

Partners of Consorcio Madroño

Associated institutions

Escudo de Institutos Imdea

Instituto Imdea

Since July 2008 a procedure has been in force allowing holders of the Madroño passport to apply for the Spanish National Library research card.

Access to the Pasaporte Madroño’s statistics from 2006.


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